© Tender Learning Care, rev. July, 2013
Tender Learning Care
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Where children grow in confidence through REAL accomplishment


What is our philosophy and what do we


Tender Learning Care operates within a very simple, easily understood philosophy: Treat every individual with dignity and respect. For children this may translate to such simple ideas as: Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself, be nice to your friends, be nice to your teachers, be nice to your parents. We offer a safe, caring environment for children, where learning takes place in a comforting setting, integrated with play and real accomplishment. We incorporate an eclectic system, selecting proven successful methods for educating and providing for well- rounded development of each child. Individual attention for each child is at the core of our program. Our school layout includes three separate classrooms and two separate play yards, one for 2-3 year olds and a larger yard for older children. This gives each group an opportunity to interact with kids at their own age and level of development. For the safety and well-being of the children, staff and parents, we have installed a keyless entry keypad lock. Parents are issued a passcode, so that they may enter at any time during our normal operating hours. Visitors
For a 360 degree tour of TLC, check this link:   Tender Learning Care Panorama must ring a bell to gain entry and they can be seen by the staff prior to allowing entrance. In addition to the keypad lock, we have eight video cameras showing the classrooms, play yards and entrance areas. These cameras can be seen by parents on their home computers, tablets and phones, using a password protected application. The webcams have been a wonderful asset for UC Davis student-parents who often live far away from their families. The cameras allow grandparents to see their grandchildren from their homes, from anywhere in the world.This is often the only opportuity they may have for several years, to see their grandchildren at preschool, “in action”. For a 360 degree tour of TLC, check this link: Teder Learning Care Panorama